I have worked in the mental health industry since 1998, graduating in 2007 with my masters degree in Social Work from the University of New England. I've spent my career treating clients experiencing chronic and acute mental health challenges. I have enjoyed my increased specialization in Anxiety and OCD treatment and the clients this work brings to me.
Conducting exposure therapy requires a delicate balance of creativity, quick thinking, empathy, and a passion for believing that my clients can challenge themselves to be stronger and braver than their anxiety tells them they can.
As a (nearly) lifelong New Englander, Maine is the balance of rural and "city" that my husband and I love. I spend my time outside of work skiing, cycling, flat and whitewater canoeing and hiking. Betty and I have started basic dog agility training, I'm looking forward to us learning to be a hard working agility team. I'm an on-skates referee with regional roller derby teams and enjoy doing events management. In the rest of my spare time I love cooking, baking, knitting and sewing, and trying to read faster than I can accumulate books.
Betty White The Dog is the official greeter of Hazelton Counseling. Her favorite things are marrow bones, hiking, and trying to play with her cat sisters. Betty is a rescue from Puerto Rico who flew to the states in January of 2018 to spend her life with us in snowy VT; she has learned to LOVE the snow! She has a fear of things with wheels (cars, bikes, strollers) and some social anxiety, but she's working hard on her exposures!!
